Connected Justice

Our reliable, secure solutions for the judicial system harmonize the demand for remote and hybrid capabilities with the need for due process.


Access to justice is a fundamental right. But caseloads, budget limitations, and other challenges put incredible pressure on court systems. There’s never been a more critical time for remote and hybrid capabilities, such as:

a space man making a peace sign

Virtual hearings to help address backlogs, protect vulnerable witnesses, and facilitate public access

a spaceman holding a phone

A simple interface that can be used any time on a smartphone, tablet, or other mobile device

a spaceman making his hands into a heart shape

Consecutive, simultaneous, relay, and teaming interpretation for remote interpreters

Connected Justice will help you provide seamless and secure access to virtual services.

  • Virtual hearings and legal representation for court appearances
  • Secure video conferencing
  • One-click secure remote video
  • Virtual visitation and access to distance learning and telehealth services for the incarcerated
  • Tracking and support services for community supervision
  • Compliance monitoring
  • Automated reporting
  • Simple and seamless check-ins
  • Integration to existing scheduling systems
  • Performance and scale for any deployment
  • Collaboration infrastructure and applications
  • Network and security infrastructure
  • Room design, construction, and installation
  • AV design engineering and master programming
  • Adoption services, analytics, and managed services
a laptop, monitor, tablet and phone

And the benefits are just as comprehensive, improving the experience for everyone involved… from IT and technology professionals, judges to clerks, attorneys to litigants.

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Agencies and Personnel

  • Safe and secure work environments for judiciary staff members, agency personnel, public servants, and the community
  • Enhanced collaboration across agencies, providers and citizens
  • More efficient case management
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  • Reduced operational expenses through remote operations management
  • Better efficiencies to handle internal workloads
  • Performance and scale for any deployment
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Incarcerated Population

  • Increased secure access to critical services via virtual delivery
  • Rehabilitative support and supervision with remote solutions
  • Increased citizen satisfaction through trusted experiences

With ePlus’s expert strategy and services alongside Cisco’s cutting-edge technology, you’ve got the ideal partners to hit all the right notes.

See a diagram of our finely-tuned solution.

Connected Justice thumbnail showing company logo, title, a graph and a spaceman in front of a computer

Schedule a connected justice demonstration today!

During this 60-minute session we provide an overview of all our Connected Justice solutions. We will highlight the key features of each solution, and can dive into a hands-on demo of the specific solutions are you most interested in.

Included in our overview will be:

  • Judicial Services
  • Virtual Visitations
  • Health Care
  • Education